Sync Tutorial

If you manage multiple chats, or you want to make changes to one of your groups from another (Private Group) to (Public Groups), you can use this feature to do so!

Syncing cannot be undone, make sure you've read the documentation carefully and are sure this is what you'd like to do!

This will only import or export old settings, and not future changes, you'd have to use the sync feature every time you make a change. If you want to export settings automatically, we recommend you check the linking tutorial by Clicking Here.


  • You must be the admin in both groups.
  • Navi must be the admin in both groups.

List Groups

Command: Sync

To view a list of groups you can sync from or to, all you have to say is Sync

Sync From

Format: Sync <number>

If you want to import settings from a group on the list, all you have to say is Sync <number>. Replace <number> with the number assigned to the group you retrieved through saying Sync.

This will sync the settings, & triggers from the selected chat to the current chat!


Sync To

Format: Sync To <number>

If you rather export the settings to a group on the list, for example, you want to export settings from a private group to a public group.

All you have to say is Sync To <number>. Replace <number> with the number assigned to the group you retrieved through saying Sync.

This will sync the settings, & triggers from the current chat, to the selected chat!
