Here you'll find a list of commands for customizing messages and more
Delete a custom trigger you've created
Set a welcoming message to greet new joiners with!
Set a custom message to send when a user leaves the chat!
Command == System Command
This will change a system command, to the specified provided
Set a custom message to send when group joining is disallowed!
A list of custom triggers you've created will be sent to the group
Trigger -= Response
This will delete the response provided from a trigger with multiple responses
Set a custom message to send when a user is removed from the chat by another admin!
%c Trigger == Response
This will create a custom trigger that will go off if it's anywhere inside of a message
Trigger += Response
Save multiple responses to the same trigger, which she'll select 1 random one from to send
Trigger == Response
Create a basic custom trigger for your group, Response will be sent when Trigger is said
Trigger a= Response
Create a custom trigger only admins can access, all other custom trigger features can be used with this
This will create a reminder at a specified time of the day, you must select one of your custom triggers to use as a reminder
New Trigger *= Old Trigger
This will copy one trigger onto another custom trigger; for example if you'd like to migrate your responses to another trigger
Trigger == Would you like some %{soda, juice, milk, tea}?
This will select one of the random keywords from the list provided inside of %{}, make sure each option is seperated by a ,
Set a custom message to send before redirecting a member to another chat using the Redirect feature!
When the keyword you set with Mentions is mentioned in the group, you'll receive an alert through private messages
When your group reaches the Community Leaderboard, this lets you customize the description that'll be displayed under your group
This will list all the responses available under a trigger, we recommend using the Navi Profile instead as some responses may be too large to display on Kik