Toggle Lock

The Toggle Lock command prevents new people from joining the group. This is useful for when your group is under attack by trolls, or you want to temporarily lock the chat until you're ready to process new members.

There are many other ways to make this feature useful, we'll go through them.


  • Navi must be an admin in the group.
  • You must be an admin in the group.
  • This does not remove invited members, that's Toggle Invites

Toggles [Navi Profile]

All toggles are mangeable through the Navi profile, so you don't have to remember each toggle!

Connect to profile

  • Visit your Navi Profile
    • you can also send Profile to Navi's private messages.
  • Select Manage Groups
  • Select the group you'd like to export changes from
  • Select Manage Settings

Disallow Joiners

Command: Toggle Lock

To have Navi automatically remove new joiners, you can say Toggle Lock, and she'll remove any joiners until the feature is disabled.


Custom Message [Text]

Format: Locked <message>

If you'd like to set a custom message to be sent when the chat is locked, you cay say Locked <message>.

Replace <message> with the message you'd like to set.

If Navi is sending the message after the removal, you have to say Toggle Before. She automatically sets it for after the removal in case you don't want the member to know why they were removed.


Custom Message [Image]

Command: Locked %i

If you want Navi to include a picture, video, or GIF along with the message, you can say Locked %i, she'll then prompt you to send the content you'd like to set to the group chat!



Command: Locked

To see what the locked message would look like when sent, you can say Locked to view an example.


Unlock Automatically

Format: Unlock <minutes>

With the Unlock command, you can make Navi automatically unlock the group chat after X minutes have passed. To enable this, first lock the chat, then say Unlock <minutes>.

Replace <minutes> with the amount of minutes you'd like the chat to remain locked for.
