Validate Tutorial

Sometimes members can get busy with life and they can go inactive for an extended period of time. You don't want them to be removed by Navi for being inactive when the group fills or when you use other activity based triggers. That's where this feature can help keep them from being removed!

List Members

Command: Validate

To view a list of members you can mark as validated, you have to say Validate.

If they're already validated, their name may not show up under Validate, you'll have to check Invalidate to see a list of already validated members.


Format: Validate <number>

To mark a member in your group as validated, you have first retrieve the number assigned to them by saying Validate. Once you find their number you can then proceed to say Validate <number>.

Replace <number> with the number assigned to that member.


List Validated Members

Command: Invalidate

To view a list of members your admins (or you) have marked as validated, you have to say Invalidate.


Format: Invalidate <number>

To invalidate a member you've validated, you have to first find the number assigned to them by saying Invalidate. Once you've found the number assigned to the member, you may proceed to say Invalidate <number>.

Replace <number> with the number assigned to that member.
