Retain Tutorial

Kik has a maximum limitation of 100 banned members per group, this is very limiting when trolls come flying 24/7!

That's where you may use this feature to create a backup of the ban list on Navi, she will automatically remove them if they try to join the chat!

Retain Manager (Profile)

You can manage the list of retained members on Navi using the Navi Profile!

All you have to do is visit your Navi Profile, then Select Manage Groups > Select your group > Select Manage Banned Members

Example of member on Navi's ban list


Sometimes an account may be deactivated or banned by Kik, in that case you'll see the following

Example of terminated account


You may also come across users without a display name, this is due to our legacy (old way) of managing retained members not storing these details.

Example of account without display name


Retain (Profile)

If you have a username you'd like to retain, and don't want to post it in the group, you can also use the Navi Profile to do such by following the steps above to get to your Navi Profile and banned members list. You'll then find the following button to add a username to the ban list!

make sure you use their Kik @username and NOT their display name (first and last name)



Command: Retain

To create a backup of the ban list, all you have to say is Retain


You may then remove them from Kik's ban list, she will automatically remove them when they join! A fast way to clear Kik's ban list is by using the Unban feature!

You have to say Unban <number>


Retain Username

Format: Retain @username

If the person you'd like to stop from joining isn't in the ban list, but you have their username and don't want them to come in, you have to say Retain @username. Replace @username with their Kik username, make sure to include the '@'.
