
The Navi Leaderboard is a list of groups that get advertised either through Kik or our website based on the topic of the group & its activity!

Getting Started

To have your group advertised through Kik or our Web Leaderboard, you need a few things:

  • Navi must be in your group.
  • Navi must be an admin in the group.
  • You must always have 1 spot available for people to join, we recommend enabling Toggle Space
  • Spamming does not increase your chances of being on the leaderboard.

Once you have Navi in your group as an admin, your group's activity will begin to earn a score which measures your group's activity, and where it ranks from all the groups that has Navi in them competing to be on the leaderboard.

Viewing the Leaderboard

To view the Navi leaderboard, you can either use the command Leaderboard, or check out our website which also gets sent with the command, that'll show a list of groups categorized by topics.

You can access the web leaderboard by Clicking Here


Customizing Description

When your group is displayed through our website, a description can be optionally added to your group's card on the leaderboard.

This can be customized by saying Description <text>

Replace <text> with the description you'd like to set for your group.

Navi Profile

Additionally, you can do this through the website by accessing your Navi Profile.

Through the Navi profile, click the following:

Groups > (Your Group) > Description

It'll look like the following:


Customizing Topic

By default, Navi will detect your group's topic and categorize appropriately. If you want to change your group's topic, you can do so through the Navi Profile

Groups > (Your Group) > Topic

It'll look like the following:


About Me

You can also advertise your groups in & out of Kik by using the About Me feature, this allows you to create a link that advertises all of your groups.

You'll be given a link like kik.ad/@username

Which you can then share around on platforms like Reddit, X, or Kik!

To learn more about this feature Click Here